Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My first Blog

My question has always been. Why do people post blogs?? Does anyone really look at them?? I guess they do after reading my friend nyc/caribbean ragazza. Somehow today, it inspired me to try something different and make an attempt.
Now that I'm attempting, I'm thinking.."Uh..pressure... what in the world do I write about??

My friend nyc/caribbean ragazza is SO LUCKY to be in Italy right now. We both have this love for Roma. Did I say I'm jealous she's there right now?? I love her to death and couldn't be happier. Just wish I could've fit in her suitcase somehow.
After spending the past 4 years in August going to Italy,one would think I would've had enough. NOPE!! I am addicted as I know my friend is. I am just trying to create more opportunites to visit Italy more often. Since she is in Italy, it prompted me to write about everything I miss in Italy. Then I thought...well that could really take all year. So I'll keep it concise. What's the hurry?
After all it is MY BLOG!! I can write whatever and whenever I want to. Am I a real BLOGGER NOW?? :-)

Oh, how I miss the streets of Italy, walking down the street hearing Italian every day. Walking up and down the 6 flights of stairs as I did at my friend's apartment senza un'acensore (without an elevator). Somehow that never bothered me even when I forgot my wallet at the store after getting to counter and the cashier ringing up every thing!! Nice....Luckily I know how to curse politely in Italian and he couldn't have been more understanding.
I miss my walk down the street to the local bar where I ordered il mio te` freddo con limone. Mamma mia, manca davvero tutto in Italia!! I will have to live vicariously through my friend fino al mio ritorno al bello paese di cui tenga il mio cuore.

1 comment:

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

ciao tesoro! mi piace la tua "blog". lol