Thursday, May 15, 2008

Murky May

I thought we were supposed to have "June Gloom" in June not May. It was so gloomy and cold for about a week or so but today the sun was out blazing. It's supposed to get hotter. In the Valley it was still incredibly warm at 9:30.

What a funky month energetically. This month is already half-way over. I'm happy leave the strange energy behind.

I'm wearing so many hats lately. There are days when I can't wait to get in bed. I can barely finish reading the rest of this book "A Thousand Days In Venice" that one of my girlfriends gave me. I think it was "A" who moved to Roma. With all the chaotic energy that I'm feeling for the remodel on the house I am taking advantage of some moments I have to myself to breathe. Thank goodness for Monday night from 6-8. It's a bit of "Me Time." Time to forget about everything for two glorious hours. This class is making Mondays look really good now.

Tomorrow is the memorial for "J" at the Self-Realization Center. Interesting enough I have never ever been to the Self-Realization Center. I have wanted to take a moment and go so many times. So many people have told me to find some time and just "sit" at the Self-Realization Center. I'm finally going to step foot on this beautiful place that I've heard about for so long. Maybe there is some karmic twist here since I am trying to come to my own self-realizations lately.

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